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1.    All plant material must be fresh and have been grown by the exhibitor.


2.    Exhibits must have been in the possession of the exhibitor for no fewer than 90 days.              Exception: plants grown from seed, seedling, or immature transplants, bulbs, tubers, corms or rhizomes. Combination plantings must have been grown together for no fewer than 6 weeks.


3.  Specimens must be show quality, clean, groomed and

     free of insects.  Containers must be clean.  Plant material    

     may not be treated with “shine” or other products that       

     artificially change the natural color and texture.


4.  Exhibitors are to provide information on the entry card.  All

     specimens should be correctly labeled with botanical

    name, giving genus and species, and/or variety.  Common  

    name may also be added.


5.  An exhibitor may make more than one entry per class if

     each entry is a different species, variety, cultivar, type or



6.  Clear bottles will be provided for cut specimens.  Wedging

     will be provided if necessary.  Foliage should not be below

     the water level


7.  The Classification Chairman has the authority to subdivide

     classes as necessary.


8. Specimens are judged on cultural perfection, color, form,

    size and number, condition and grooming, name and



9. The Scales of Points for judging Horticulture is listed on pp.

    129 of The Handbook for Flower Shows 2017.






“Historic Gardens of Lake Forest”  

            Eligible for the Horticulture Excellence Award


Section A.  “Gatsby Garden”       Flowering Perennials

             Cut specimens - one stem or spray.

                                                  Eligible for the Award of Merit

Class 1.  Aquilegia,   Columbine       

Class 2   Dicentra,   Bleeding Heart   

Class 3.  Iris     

Class 4.  Paeonia.    Peony

Class 5.  Rose,     Rose

Class 6.  Any other flowering perennials


Section B. “Lasker Estate” Perennials Grown for Foliage

             Cut specimen - one stem

                                                  Eligible for the Award of Merit

Class 7.   Alchemilla,   Lady’s Mantle

Class 8.   Heuchera,  Coral Bells

Class 9.   Hosta,   Hosta

Class 10.  Any other foliage


Section C. “Two Gables”, Cut Branches no more 30” in length                                     

Eligible for the Arboreal Award


Class 11.  Branch of deciduous flowering tree or shrub

Class 12.  Branch of deciduous tree or shrub grown for its


Class 13.  Branch of a needled evergreen


Section D.  “Adler Country Gardens” Container Grown Plants

                                    Eligible for the Grower’s Choice Award

Class  14.  African Violets

Class  15.  Orchids

Class  16.  Fern

Class  17.  Any other indoor container grown plant

Class  18.  Any other indoor combination planter

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