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Woodlands Garden Club


A NGC Standard Flower Show



“Roaring 20’s Meets 2020”




1.   Entries are open to members of Woodlands Garden Club and invited guests. 

      Advanced entries are required in Design Division and Special Exhibits Division.


2.  Horticulture and design entries will be placed on

     Wednesday, June 3rd from 8:00 am to 10:00 am.


3.  All entries are to be the work of one exhibitor.  Emphasis is  

     placed on fresh plant material.  No artificial plant material

     is allowed.


4.  Judging will begin at 10:30 am. Only the General

     Chairman, the Classification Chairmen, and the Clerks will

     be allowed on the show floor during judging.


5.  The Classification Chairmen for the Horticulture and

     Design Divisions must review all entries for proper

     identification and conformity to the schedule.


6.  Exhibitors are responsible for the space reserved and

     must provide a substitute if unable to exhibit.


7.  Plant material on the Illinois Endangered or Threatened

     Species List may not be used.


8.  All exhibits must be removed after 4:00 pm on Wednesday


9.  Judging will be by National Garden Clubs Accredited

     Judges.   The Handbook for Flower Shows Revised

     2017 Edition and The National Gardener will serve as

     authority. The decision of the judges is final. Awards may

     be withheld if not merited.


10. Woodlands Garden Club will strive to assure the safety of

     all items but is not responsible for any loss or damage to


All Woodlands Garden Club member and friends are encouraged to enter this fun event.   Hopefully you will have a little something in your garden that you would like to show off. 


Please enter several of your plant specimens in the Horticulture Division. You are also encouraged to enter the Design Division. Thank you for participating in this flower show

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